Monday, May 12, 2008

Biodiversity Conservation in Himalayas

The area of the Himalayas is the greatest system of mountain in the world, of paramount importance in the context of। The traditional use of the biologically various resources in the Himalayas does not reflect only one model various of use of resource, but also a respect to preserve biological diversity by the mountain dwellers. The forests are undoubtedly the resource of most important in the area of the Himalayas of mountain। In the constant of mountain and hill cultivating and system farming of shift directly or indirectly are consolidated by forests of mountain. The forests of mountain also provide many products and are essential for the environmental protection. The local people use various biospecies found in the forests. They control the environmental resources in their habitat according to their needs for subsistence. The indigenous mountain dwellers regard themselves as a part of the ecosystem. The procedures of management of forest are based on their perception of the report/ratio of man-forest of which they evolved/moved the concept 'Holy of the hills ' C-with-D., a sector of hillside covered with forests where the gods reside. A respect for the gods, the goddess, ditties, and the religious and social belief supports the peace and the wellbeing of people of the country tribals of this area. In the same way any irreverence, in addition, incurs the anger of the gods। Last year, in May, during my botanical exploration in the Himalayas de Pir Panjal, I was pilot many of such cases of social belief and costoms where exposed objects tribals of Gujjar their respect and gratitude towards the forests, the lakes and the meadows. In one of the incidents I saw a group Gujjars to offer a treat of lamb (Bhandara) to the lake celebrates Kali Dachni, with to attract the wellbeing and the blessings of the lake. It was a total blue lake of water and the environments were completely clean that other lakes because they don't allow their cattle or children of going there and to pollute the lake. In a very interesting case I saw a certain Gujjars young person keeping pre Kali Sari in Pir Panjal, against the pasture of their clean cattle C-with-D. sheep, goats, and horses. They believe that this pre is for the cattle of the god (Dave/Jin) and they protect the factories from pre to obtain the blessings of this god (the pre one of Dave/Jin).This are roughly 15 20 kilometers in the sector and were green abundant in May with beautiful flowers while nearby meadows were completely almost touched and without any significant vegetation. The sector has nine species of the factories threatened by IUCN, which is a completely high and rare number for a similar sector of size where in the remainder of the Himalayas. Knowingly or unknowingly they preserve. The natural resources of the area, during years, were subjected to serious exhaustion due to various factors, driving back anthropogenes activities most of the time. As elsewhere in the country, of the water and ground resources in the Himalayas are attacked with ecological problems. The deforestation, the overgrazing, practise agricultural not very suitable, particularly on the inclined grounds, strip the ground of its normal vegetation of cover, making the ground vulnerable to dirty the erosion and the loss of principal food of ground. The unfavourable impact of such a denudation and erosion of ground in the sectors of the Himalayas of watershed/catchment is a question of deep ecological concern. The management of the ground and water and the environment in general are governed and facilitated by a whole of policies/legislations which, if applied correctly and effectively, should support the conservation of and the bearable use. However, the development of the area of the Himalayas depends on the improvement of the productivity of biomass by the bearable management of the natural resources which ensures this conservation of the species, including genetic variability in them, and ecosystems. As such, the bearable management of the natural resources with the environmental conservation must be an integral element of the process of development.

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